Last updated: 25 August 2023

This Privacy Policy describes how Crespect OÜ (a company incorporated under Estonian law with registry code 16557621 and registered address at Ülikooli st. 6a, Tartu, 51003, Estonia; hereinafter “Crespect”, “we”, “us” or “our”) collects, uses or otherwise processes and safeguards information relating to individuals who visit our web portal accessible at and with whom we otherwise interact. The controller of your personal data is Crespect OÜ. You can contact us by e-mail at

Crespect is responsible for ensuring that your personal data is processed in accordance with this Privacy Policy and applicable personal data protection laws, in particular with the General Data Processing Regulation (EU) 2016/679.

Please note that this Privacy Policy does not apply to the extent we collect and process personal data in the role of a processor or service provider on behalf of our clients, including where we provide our clients Crespect’s integrated software solutions and applications [KŠ|C1] through which our clients (or their affiliates) process personal data by using our platforms. We do not have direct relationship with the individuals whose personal data we may process on behalf of our clients. Each client is responsible for providing notice to its individuals concerning the purpose for which our client collects their personal data and how this data is processed.

1. Datos personales que recogemos y cómo los utilizamos

En esta Política de Privacidad, “datos personales” se define como cualquier información relativa a una persona física identificada o identificable. Normalmente recopilamos datos personales cuando los usuarios interactúan con nuestro portal web. Los datos que recopilamos dependen del contexto de tus interacciones con Crespect y de las elecciones que hagas (incluida tu configuración de cookies), de las funciones exactas que utilices y de la legislación aplicable sobre protección de datos personales.

1.1. Interactions with our web portal

Crespect mejora constantemente su portal web, y pretende que utilizarlo sea lo más fácil posible. Para ello, necesitamos saber qué información es más relevante para los usuarios, con qué frecuencia se conectan, qué navegador y dispositivo utilizan, cómo navegan, de qué región proceden los visitantes y otros datos demográficos y estadísticos similares.

Mientras navegas por nuestro portal web, se puede recopilar cierta información sin que la proporciones activamente mediante diversas tecnologías, como cookies, etiquetas de Internet o balizas web, y recopilación de datos de navegación (archivos de registro, registros de servidor, secuencia de clics, secuencias de comandos del sitio web). Tu navegador de Internet o dispositivo móvil transmite automáticamente parte de esta información, como la URL del sitio web por el que navegas o del que acabas de llegar y la dirección del Protocolo de Internet (IP) y la versión del navegador que tu ordenador o dispositivo móvil está utilizando actualmente; la fecha y hora de acceso a nuestro portal web; y las funciones que utilizas durante la visita y/o el acceso. Crespect recopila esta información utilizando una herramienta automatizada denominada Google Analytics.

Crespect utiliza estos datos sobre la base de nuestro interés legítimo como empresa en mejorar nuestra comprensión de las necesidades y preferencias de nuestros visitantes y clientes con el fin de mejorar constantemente nuestro portal web, mejorar el acceso a los contenidos que Crespect publica y garantizar la disponibilidad técnica y la seguridad de nuestro portal web.

1.2. Direct marketing of Crespect’s products and services

Crespect puede enviarte ofertas y otros materiales de marketing relativos a las soluciones de software y aplicaciones integradas de Crespect con el fin de publicitar nuestros productos y servicios (incluido el establecimiento de relaciones con clientes para proporcionarles nuestras soluciones de software y aplicaciones integradas como servicio). En tal caso, podemos procesar tus datos personales, como tu nombre, cargo, nombre de la empresa, número de teléfono y dirección de correo electrónico. Puedes oponerte a recibir dichas ofertas y materiales de marketing cada vez que se te envíe dicho marketing.

Recogemos esta información cuando intercambias tarjetas de visita con nosotros en reuniones o eventos, o cuando proporcionas tus contactos para inscribirte en cualquier evento relacionado con Crespect. También podemos recopilar esta información si te suscribes para recibir comunicaciones nuestras por correo electrónico en nuestro portal web y das tu consentimiento para recibir dichos materiales de marketing (incluidos boletines informativos).

En algunas circunstancias, también podemos recopilar, o nuestros socios nos proporcionan, información disponible públicamente que puede contener datos personales que hayas publicado (como en LinkedIn) o que se haya puesto a disposición en línea y contenga información sobre ti (como artículos de noticias). La forma en que nuestros socios recopilan esta información se detalla en sus propias políticas de privacidad, disponibles en sus sitios web. En tal caso, Crespect sólo envía comunicaciones de marketing por correo electrónico e intenta limitar la lista de destinatarios únicamente a aquellos que puedan estar más interesados en el mensaje.

Crespect utiliza estos datos sobre la base de nuestro interés legítimo como empresa en establecer relaciones con los clientes mediante la comercialización de nuestros productos y servicios, como nuestras soluciones y aplicaciones de software integradas, y manteniendo una relación comercial con las empresas que representas. Cuando proceda, también podemos utilizar estos datos sobre la base de tu consentimiento previo, como cuando te suscribes para recibir comunicaciones nuestras por correo electrónico en nuestro portal web. En tal caso, tienes derecho a retirar tu consentimiento para recibir material de marketing directo en cualquier momento poniéndote en contacto con nosotros en También puedes manifestar tu desacuerdo (exclusión voluntaria) con el uso de tus datos personales para marketing directo en cualquier momento haciendo clic en “cancelar suscripción” en el mensaje que recibas de nosotros.

1.3. Establishing and managing contractual relationships

For the purposes of establishing a contractual relationship, such as concluding a contract for the use of Crespect’s applications or integrated software solutions as a service, and, if applicable, the required non-disclosure agreement, we may process your personal data as a company’s representative or an authorised signee. Moreover, we may process such data, including your personal data as a company’s employee for managing client databases and relationships and for conducting client satisfaction surveys about Crespect’s provided products and services.

Crespect uses this data on the basis of our legitimate interest for enabling the conclusion of a contract on behalf of a legal person you represent. Concerning the management of contractual relationship (including the client satisfaction surveys), we use this data on the basis of our legitimate interest as a business in improving our products and services.

1.4. Inquiries and customer support

If you express an interest in obtaining any additional information (including to request demo of our integrated software solutions and applications) by contacting us with an enquiry through our web portal and/or via other means (e.g. by phone or e-mail), we will process your contact details and content of your inquiry and/or request for support.

Crespect uses this data on the basis of our legitimate interest to respond to enquiries about us and/or requests for support concerning our web portal, applications or integrated software solutions. Where applicable, we may also use this data on the basis of your prior consent.

1.5. Establishing, exercising and defending any potential legal claims

If necessary, we may also process your personal data in connection with legal claims, compliance, regulatory and investigative purposes (including disclosure of information in connection with government agency requests, legal process or litigation) on the basis of our legitimate interest for establishing, exercising and defending any potential legal claims.

1.6. Cookies

What are cookies?

A cookie is a small text file that our web portal saves on your computer or mobile device when you visit and use our web portal. A cookie enables the web portal to remember your actions and preferences ‒ such as login, language, font size and other display preferences ‒ over a period, so you don’t have to keep re-entering them whenever you come back to the site or browse from one page to another.

What cookies do we use?

Crespect uses cookies to collect your IP address and browsing information, such as the websites you have visited or time you have spent on each page and allow Crespect to remember your system and preferences.

Other cookies allow us to track Crespect traffic and users’ interaction with our web portal – we use these data to analyse users’ behaviour and to improve the user’s experience.

Cookies allow us to:

  • give you a better user experience when you visit and use our web portal;
  • allow you to set personal preferences;
  • create statistical information about the use our web portal;
  • and to measure the effectiveness of advertising.

We use the following categories of cookies:

Functional cookies

These cookies are essential in order to enable you to move around Crespect’s technological solutions and use their features on our web portal. For example, functional cookies are used to remember your site preferences and choices you make on our web portal.

Performance cookies

These cookies collect anonymous statistical information on how people use our web portal. For example, performance cookies may help us understand how users browse or use our web portal and highlight areas that are used the most. Performance cookies are stored and used on your device only on the basis of your consent.

Targeted advertising cookies

These cookies collect information about your browsing habits. They are used to make advertising more relevant to you and your interests. The cookies are usually placed by third party advertising networks to create information about your interests through your online behaviour. Targeted advertising cookies are stored and used on your device only on the basis of your consent.

How long are cookies retained on my device?

The storage time for cookies on your device is divided into two categories.

Session cookies

Session cookies are set per session, meaning that they last until you close your browser. Session cookies are not stored on the hard drive of your device.

Persistent cookies

Persistent cookies are stored on your hard drive until you delete them or they reach their expiry date. We will not store cookie information from persistent cookies for longer than a maximum of 2 years.

Cookies are placed on your device only if you provide your consent, unless cookies are required for strictly technical functioning of our web portal. However, note that if you do not consent to the use of cookies, certain functions of our web portal may not function properly or may not function at all.

Please note that third parties (including, for example, advertising networks and providers of external services like web traffic analysis services) may also use cookies, over which we have no control.

How to control cookies?

You can control and/or delete cookies as you wish – see for more details. You can delete all cookies that are already on your computer and you can set most browsers to prevent them from being placed. If you do this, however, you may have to manually adjust some preferences every time you visit a site and some services and functionalities may not work.

2. Divulgación y transferencia de datos personales

We put our best efforts to keep your data safe and always require a high level of security and confidentiality from our employees and partners.

We may share certain categories of your personal data:

  • with our trusted services providers when they provide services to us or to you on behalf of us and under our instructions, such as cloud-based service providers, legal service providers, accounting service providers, etc. We will control and shall remain responsible for the use of your personal data at all times;
  • with our partners, who provide us with tools for analytics (who may access statistical browsing data);
  • with our clients, when we collect data as processors on behalf or at the direction of our clients.
  • to public authorities if we are required to disclose personal data by law or to comply with a lawful request of authorities;
  • in relation to a merger, acquisition or sale of our business or its part(s).

As a rule, we do not transfer your personal data outside of the European Economic Area. However, if we do so, we use adequate safeguards to protect your personal data, such as the standard contractual clauses for transfers established by the European Commission. You can contact us to get more information about the transfers of your personal data at:

3. Conservación de tus datos personales

We process your personal data only for as long as necessary for the fulfilment of the original purposes of personal data processing, which are described above, or as long as required to fulfil our legal obligations. We determine the appropriate retention period for personal data on the basis of the amount, nature, and sensitivity of the personal data being processed, the potential risk of harm from unauthorised use or disclosure of the personal data, whether we can achieve the purposes of the processing through other means, and on the basis of applicable legal requirements (such as applicable statutes of limitation).

When the retention of your personal data is no longer necessary to achieve the purposes of processing, your data will be permanently removed, unless you instruct us otherwise and we agree on the terms on longer storage of your data.

4. Tus derechos

By contacting us at you may exercise your rights as the data subject, including the following:

  • You may request access to your personal data;
  • To the extent allowed under applicable law, you may request us to correct, update, change or remove your personal data. In some cases you may also have a right to object to processing of your personal data;
  • If you request the erasure of your personal data, please note that certain information is strictly necessary in order to fulfil the purposes defined in this Privacy Policy and may also be required by law. If personal data is erased under your request, we will only retain such copies of the information as are necessary for us to protect our or third parties’ legitimate interests, comply with governmental orders, resolve disputes, troubleshoot problems, or enforce any agreement you have entered into with us. Thus, such personal data may not be erased;
  • You may withdraw your consent regarding processing of personal data, where the legal basis for processing is your consent. Please note that withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of the processing of personal data carried out on the basis of consent before withdrawal; and
  • You may use your right to data portability. In some cases we may limit or deny your request if we are required or permitted by law to do so, e.g. if it is necessary for the purpose of our legitimate interest to protect our trade secrets or any other confidential information.

We will respond to your requests and to provide you with additional privacy-related information within the timeframes specified in applicable personal data protection law. Please note that we may ask you for additional information to adequately verify your identity before actioning your request to exercise your rights as a data subject.

If you are not satisfied with our response or have a concern that your privacy rights have been infringed, you have the right to lodge a complaint with your local supervisory authority. List and contact details of European supervisory authorities can be found here.

5. Medidas de seguridad

We use reasonable security measures (including physical, electronic and administrative) to protect your personal data from loss, destruction, misuse and unauthorised access or disclosure. For example, we only grant access to your personal data to authorised employees and contractors who need it to perform their duties.

Please note that no method of transmission over the Internet, or method of electronic storage, is fully secure. While we use reasonable efforts to protect your personal data from loss, destruction, unauthorised access, misuse, or disclosure, we cannot fully guarantee the security of your personal data.

6. Actualiza

From time to time, we may update this Privacy Policy in order to adapt it to any updates that might arise. In case of making any substantial update, we will notify you via the e-mail that you have communicated us. This Privacy Policy was last updated as of the “Last updated” date indicated above.

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